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What's the Point of Comments?
I understand how to write a comment but I'm not sure why someone would insert it into the code. Found the explanation unclear. I maybe over-thinking it.
8 Respostas
+ 3
Mani method (){
// method to do something
something (){
+ 2
comments helps when your program is more than 10K lines
+ 1
comments help you to debug your code. It is like notes to help you remember or others understand what the code is without going through the code .It is not necessary but it will be helpful.
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how i use comments is when i am writing a big code and want to see what will happen if i remove that line i just make that whole line a comment by adding comment tag instead of deleting it and later when i want to add that line of code again i remove the comment tag from that line and now that line is applied. Tough this is not the reason why comments were made
OK, can you provide an example of what one might put in the comments. This will clarify it for me...and THANK YOU for the quick reply.
it will be useful while doing complicated programmes
it will benefit to the reader of your code. :)
if you ask your freinds , and they see your 10.000 lines then they would ask you : which line is doing what ? xD