+ 10

Which is easy?

I was currently learning c++ as my first course..but now i think that it is a bit difficult so i decided to leave it and not to start array topic.. I basically want to create games and hacking...So what should I learn next?

6th Jun 2018, 12:46 PM
Sakaar Sen
Sakaar Sen - avatar
29 Respostas
+ 14
I'd learn how to see things through even if they're difficult or learn how to not give up, whichever statement resonates more with you. If you give up the moment things become difficult, then programming is going to be an absolute nightmare for you or anything else that you want to do in life that's meaningful. So the easy route? Easy route is to not do it at all and let others do it instead. Path of least resistance. But as we all know, things don't grow to become stronger on the path of least resistance. Our growth happens outside of our comfort zones, not inside of them. What's the plan if the next course is difficult? Figure out what's easier than that one? You're training yourself to evade difficult situations and seek the easy path, even though the easy path is rarely the best path. Much of what you'll want in life is going to be at the end of a difficult path that doesn't have an easy route that's accessible to you. Do you give up on your dream or do you face the challenge head on and conquer it as you become a better version of yourself? As for what PReiZ said, HTML isn't a programming language. It's a simple tagging system that's used to organize documents, not to program them. My recommendation is to finish learning C++, and maybe C#/Java, if you're wanting to get into game development. Two of the main game engines used in the industry is based upon C++ and C#. Unreal Engine: https://www.sololearn.com/Course/CPlusPlus/ www.UnrealEngine.com Unity 3D: https://www.sololearn.com/Course/CSharp/ www.Unity3D.com/Learn Technique to learn with: Read through entire language first, even if you don't understand. Practice what you can remember when done. Read through entire language again, this time write down notes of all concepts you still don't understand. Use your notes to research each concept thoroughly, then practice them to solidify your learning. Repeat this process until you don't have to write down anything on your notes. For hacking, start here: https://www.cybrary.it/
6th Jun 2018, 1:24 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 8
DevTycoon not gaming and not hacking, i just learning.
6th Jun 2018, 1:55 PM
I -_- D
I -_- D - avatar
+ 8
DevTycoon no, only what you see on my SL profile. but i learned java+xml= my first application
6th Jun 2018, 1:58 PM
I -_- D
I -_- D - avatar
+ 7
PReiZ Python (and/or) ruby?
6th Jun 2018, 1:21 PM
I -_- D
I -_- D - avatar
+ 6
DevTycoon For now i learn Python,
6th Jun 2018, 1:24 PM
I -_- D
I -_- D - avatar
+ 6
🐯🐯Gimba Abdul Aziz🐯🐯 right, bur which language? Python? if I want to learn more about computers and networks...
6th Jun 2018, 6:10 PM
I -_- D
I -_- D - avatar
+ 6
I did the same exact thing when I first started learning. For gaming, web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript,) for havking, PHP. I hope this helped!!! 🙂😎🤩👍
8th Jun 2018, 3:34 PM
🐺Michael🐺 - avatar
+ 6
🐺Michael🐺 to learn php I have to know ths basic of Html?
8th Jun 2018, 3:51 PM
I -_- D
I -_- D - avatar
+ 5
🐺Michael🐺 full thanks to you!!!
8th Jun 2018, 3:49 PM
I -_- D
I -_- D - avatar
+ 4
I think HTML is easiest programming language! But if you want to develop a game, not web, i recommend you python and ruby.
6th Jun 2018, 12:59 PM
PReiZ - avatar
+ 4
@DevTycoon Sure. Just think of an array as a series of related variables under a set name to group them, and then you access each member of the group through their index. If you want a visual in your head, picture a group of people standing side-by-side in a line, each one with a number on their T-Shirt starting from 0 and increasing by 1 for each person. Each person in the line is holding something in their hand (their value) that you require and need for other tasks. We'll call our array of people standing in line PEOPLE[]. When we want to utilize what the person is holding for us, we have to address the array of PEOPLE and refer to the individual by the number on their T-shirt (index). EXAMPLE (syntax arrayName[index]): PERSON[0] = "hammer"; PERSON[1] = "knife"; PERSON[2] = "spoon"; cout << PERSON[0] << ","; cout << PERSON[1] << ","; cout << PERSON[2] << endl; ::: OUTPUT :::: hammer, knife, spoon When you get into multidimensional arrays, such as 2D arrays, just think of it as rows/columns like a spreadsheet. EXAMPLE: spreadsheet[0][1] <-- That's an array referring to its first row, second column. The value is what's stored at that location. You can think of this as a coordinate system also, and the value is whatever is being stored at that coordinate. As for why it's used, it greatly simplifies the vast amount of individual variables you'd have to create otherwise. As well, it allows for you to better organize them and utilize functions on them that you wouldn't be able to do easily otherwise.
6th Jun 2018, 1:39 PM
Fata1 Err0r
Fata1 Err0r - avatar
+ 4
for gaming please you should still try the c++ and c# for hacking there is more to learn apart from programming language
6th Jun 2018, 5:36 PM
🐯🐯Gimba Abdul Aziz🐯🐯
🐯🐯Gimba Abdul Aziz🐯🐯 - avatar
6th Jun 2018, 6:33 PM
Mitali - avatar
+ 4
I -_- D It helps a lot, yes.
8th Jun 2018, 3:52 PM
🐺Michael🐺 - avatar
+ 4
sql is easy becuase takes short yime
8th Jun 2018, 6:01 PM
Nimco Mohamed
Nimco Mohamed - avatar
+ 4
Nimco Mohamed Where is it used for ?
8th Jun 2018, 6:04 PM
Sakaar Sen
Sakaar Sen - avatar
+ 4
for database
8th Jun 2018, 6:08 PM
Nimco Mohamed
Nimco Mohamed - avatar
+ 3
6th Jun 2018, 7:59 PM
Stef - avatar
+ 3
Nimco Mohamed I am asking where is sql used for ?
8th Jun 2018, 6:07 PM
Sakaar Sen
Sakaar Sen - avatar
+ 3
Many currently working engineers recommend Python as a first language. Also they use it in the companies. Most college curriculums let students study C++ and Java first though.
8th Jun 2018, 10:41 PM
Yongjun - avatar