+ 3
Can you guys stop telling lazy people the answers in the lessons?
I've seen many comments for some lessons asking for the solution, and then there's always this one comment that has the solution. People won't learn anythimg if they can just ask it in the comments. So stop it. Let them try themselves.
7 Respostas
+ 4
I can reveal the answer in a sense of learning. programming can be hard, it requires alot of work and requires alot of self-motivation. if we tend to remove the solution and only give half of the answer, who are we doing it for? ourselves or those who might have surrendered ten times fold already?
Sometimes people need a push. They will eventually get to a point where they decide for themselves what is best for themselves. Some people wants to problem-solve everything on their own while others just want the answers to get to the real coding environment.
Programming is a long-term commitment. this goes on repeat all the time. no matter what you learn or don't learn you will need to know it all to execute it correct. therefore its not considered cheating when you ask for the answer. cause there are no shortcuts and should it not be up to you how much you need to work for your ow. progress? Either way it all sums up in end quite nicely.
Besides, the answers are shown in each comment section either way and if not there and if ppl can't get it here they will just find it somewhere else.
I do however see your point but...
Partially being immature and only have your own gain in sight did not build this community. No disrespect, but this kind of logics belong at daycare. :)
+ 2
correct bro
+ 2
Just look at 90% of the questions on this forum & you will agree.
+ 1
ya bro true.
i never provide solution , i just give them an idea.
because no practice no gain
+ 1
Who are we to enforce that people practice? π=[∆]=π
I won't post any answers. ;)
@Olde Dr. @ Coding
Those people who ask never seem to be trying
olde u r right, we must help each other but sometimes we find silliest of questions.
like someone asking doubts of operator overloading before even having a look into it