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Best blog hosting sites? NEED ANSWERS SOON!
I have been trying to develop my own website/blog but no one has been able to answer this question for me: Do I have to make a new file every time I post a blog and set up a new template? or can I have one set template like on wix where I just write what I want and it gets formatted without making several files until they overflow my computer? Anyways I have decided it is best to host my site on a web hoster, but I have already done wix for hundreds of dollars in the past and I really want to say I've coded my own website. Is there a FREE platform I can use with NO ADS where I do most of the coding but they post my blogs to format?
5 Respostas
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Have you thought about using Github Pages / Bitbucket pages and a static site generator?
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i dont need a free domain
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Write a script to generate your pages from mark-down. Dunno about external hosting. If you're self-hosting, just make symlinks so you never need to worry about changing URLs on pages when you rename files etc. Hope I'm understanding the question.
I'm not sure my self if there is a website that provides both web hosting and the domain for free, but I would recommend checking out these websites to see if anything fits your needs:
I recommend looking into Jekyll.