Why is there no output for the second or third ifs?
when I change age to other numbers that should change the output, it just says no output static void Main(string[] args) { int age =16; if(age > 16){ if(age < 18){ Console.WriteLine("adult."); } else { if(age<16){ if(age>12){ Console.WriteLine("teen"); } } } } else { if(age<12){ Console.WriteLine("kid"); } } } } }
2 Respostas
no. those are for the beginning of the code
1) Its good practice set the language name like tag of your question
2) Its MORE good practice save your code on SL code playground and post in Q&A a link to it and not copy/paste your code
3) Seem to me that with age=16 no code its runned
4) You know that can use logical AND and OR if your condition for check multiple conditions? Example:
if(age>16 && age<18){
/* this code will run only if age its 17 */