+ 6
How to get a ascii value of the character??
please tell the program
6 Respostas
+ 8
in javaScript you have a special function ..
+ 6
Hello, Saranya !
There are a few ways to do this.
Using char struct (to string and back again)
string _stringOfA = char.ConvertFromUtf32(65); int _asciiOfA = char.ConvertToUtf32("A", 0);
Simply casting the value (char and string shown)
char _charA = (char)65; string _stringA = ((char)65).ToString();
Using ASCIIEncoding.
This can be used in a loop to do a whole array of bytes
var _bytearray = new byte[] { 65 }; ASCIIEncoding _asiiencode = new ASCIIEncoding(); string _alpha = _asiiencode .GetString(_newByte, 0, 1);
You can override the type converter class, this would allow you to do some fancy validation of the values:
var _converter = new ASCIIConverter(); string _stringA = (string)_converter.ConvertFrom(65); int _intOfA = (int)_converter.ConvertTo("A", typeof(int));
+ 3
there are different methods to do it in different languages.
Some examples:
cout << int('A');
>>> 65
you can the change the value of character to get it's ASCII value.
>>> 65
+ 3
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
for(char x = 'a'; x != 'z'+1; x++) {
int nm = x;
printf("\n %c : %d",x,nm);
return 0;
// That program prints the character and it's corresponding ASCII value, a-z
+ 2
You forget to say which language do you want... Anyway in C++ you can use a simple base cast operation:
char c='\n'; // newline
unsigned int i= (unsigned int)c; // 10
+ 2
please tell the c program to print the ASCII value for a given character..