+ 5
Performance of swap function
in c,cpp we of many different ways to swap two values all of them are listed here. https://geekfactorial.blogspot.com/2016/08/the-many-different-ways-of-swapping-two-numbers.html?m=1 Can any one tell best performance wise best method from all methods mentioned in above link? one more that is not listed on above link, void swap(int* array,int i,int j) { int temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = temp; } John Wells MAX Ipang kajal mohite Ketan Lalcheta SagaTheGreat đŻ
4 Respostas
+ 9
we cannot add,multiply,divide two pointers. Two pointers can be compared like two integer numbers.All relational and logical operations can be used with pointers. hence for above swap using xor,and it's efficient also.
+ 8
You don't want to use math operators because they take longer to execute. The xor is the fastest operator. However, the three assignments using a temporary is the fastest method. The compiler will optimize and likely not even use the temporary.
+ 3
don't go with third variable atleast... it is not efficient at all compared to other methods...
+ 2
check the code from below link.. it is not working on SL. but I am getting less time to swap if we swap using operations compared to swap using third variable..