Can i use "goto" in this case, or should i use it at all?
Hey guys, I need some help or rather some with sense driven opinion, its about a code-snippet i wrote for a windows forms project and specificly about the use of "goto". I discussed it with a friend who is part of the reason i bringing the case here, because he said you should never use it. I asked my teacher about it ans even he wasnt 100% whats the best case here. So i researched a little bit and made up my mind with a "solution" i can live with ^^. But i want to here what your thoughts in this are because i had alwyas great conversations here, here is the code: for (int col = 0; col < sideLength; col++) { for (int row = 0; row < sideLength; row++) { if (pictureBoxGrid[col,row].Bounds.Contains(centerObjectPoint)) { pictureboxIndex[0] = col; pictureboxIndex[1] = row; goto SUCESS; } } } SUCESS: