+ 12
Which books about programming and computers would you advise to read?
12 Respostas
+ 11
Виктор Тараба
1.Big Java
2.Head First Java
3.Java Concept
1.Head First Python
2.Python Crash Course
3.Starting Out With Python
1.Head First C
2.Let Us C
3.C for Dummies
1.Starting Out With C++
2.C++ For Everyone
3.Big C++
1.Head First Javascript
2.Javascript:Novice To Ninja
3.You don't know JS
+ 8
It depends on what language or topic you want to learn about, but when I began programming I started with Python using the book Python for Kids(Don’t be fooled by the name. Its actually a really good book, and probably the best book out there for learning Python). When i learned C++ I read the book Sam’s Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day which I’d highly reccomend.
Really any book on programming should be good for learning how to program. Books on programming tend to be very expensive due to the fact that most of them are text books for people in college, so often going to the library is a better choice than buying a specific book. If you go to the library look for a book on what ever language/ topic you want to learn about and you should be good to go, and you’ll end up saving a whole bunch of money.
+ 5
I really need your advice. I like reading and hope to find interesting book
+ 5
1.the art of computer programming by donald knuth
2. the c programming language by brian kernigan
they were my first programming books
they are old but unlikely to become absolete, highly recommend
+ 4
If that so, you can try searching for *97 THINGS EVERY PROGRAMMER SHOULD KNOW*
This book is a great resource for every beginner programmer. It offers a rich collection of programming practices and concepts. The book's format is simple and easy to read, with some great examples. It's also free!
+ 4
The Pragmatic Programmer
+ 4
Coders at Work: Reflections on the craft of programming seems like a really interesting read.
+ 3
+ 3
The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles https://www.amazon.com/dp/0262640686/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_osRsBbW7936ND
The Elements of Computing Systems...
+ 3
AHMAD NURUL HAKIM BIN MOHAMAD NOORLIZAM thank you for the book 97 things to know, it is full of useful advices!
+ 1
I think, web-programming books aren't very useful, because web languages are changing very fast...
But, i. e., books abot C will be very helpful. Guys before me have already said about some
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