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I do not understand what the different between case sensitive and case insensitive? ?
9 Respostas
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LOLLIPOP equals to lollipop..
it is case insensitive..
if LOLLIPOP is not equals lollipop then it is case sensitive
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Case insensitive code, "SoloLearn" is the same as "soLolEarn" and "SOLOLEarn" etc.
Case sensitive meams "SoloLearn" is only the same as "SoloLearn".
For case insensitive, it checks if the word is the same, regardless of which letters are capitalised.
For case sensitive, it checks if the word is the same AND the specific letters have the same capitalization. Example: "HeLlo" case insensitive will work for "Hello", "hEllO, etc, but case sensitive will only work for other "HeLlo".
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Case sensitive ==> when you call a variable or a constant you 've to respect its name as you declared it at the first time.
Ex: SEMA= 'string'
echo SEMA //outputs string
but echo Sema ,wont output String because SEMA and Sema are not the same ===> sensitive.
Case-insensitive ==> the opposite .SEMA and Sema are the same ,both output 'string'.
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If $name = 'SOLO LEARN'; is the same as $name = solo learn'; the variable is said to be case insensitive, buh if $name = 'SOLO LEARN'; isn't same thing as $name = 'solo learn'; it's said to he case sensitive.
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in the two cases the result is the same I do not see different
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captilization is the difference
Case sensitive means that what case the letters are matters and produces different results. Case insensitive is the opposite.
so case sensitive mean the result must be the same as what I write ?and the default is case sensitive?
in case sensitive programming, defferent between two variables var x; &
var X;