I thought that wirh web lanuages like HTML css js you can do only websites.
Today I saw that is possible to make moving object and other good things. Can someone explain me What really can be done with web languages?
14 Respostas
+ 2
no man i am also lil confused... what to choose but i want to learn things that i can use asap and create something unique.
At first i was be like, i will build my own os , own search engine etc.But later i realize this will take a lot more time ... probably my life time for4 me.Therefore i started web devlopment so that i can dive deep later.
Now it depends totally on you...if you can build your dream project then you should do that.But yes,you will build simple 2d games before you can build like MSO etc. So never give up , keep trying... that's the key.
It totally depends on you , coz you the only one who knows you.
+ 2
web languages are created for web purposes.html css and ja...oh no..
JavaScript is no longer a web only language.its now used for just more than websites.ive seen js games,animations e.t.c
+ 2
see the profile of á á á á á á á á á (formerly Brains)
+ 2
Rytis Karalius It's easy to learn as well as working on projects ...
if you want to become only front-end...then you should , i suggest you should learn web dev.
If you want to become a full stack ( front + back end ) ... then it's a little tough then front end but relatively less tough then any other like game dev.
salary is good , one thing is a headache for m3e is to fullfill the clients all need.In web development that is the main thing, pleasing your client by producing what (s)he wants.
I am now at the beginnig of back end , my personal life is a little bit unstable now therefore i am progressing slowly cause i don't have enough peace & time to implement what i learned + i used to be in New Delhi for last 2 years ... with a very good optical fibre connection but now i am back to village where only mobile data is available...
a kind of environment blockage..
but any way if you wants to get your hands dirty ... you should dive into web development (front end first).I am here , we both can help each other
+ 1
Chandan Kumar Mandal You are best. Thank you man : )
á á á á Thank you very much
Can you give me advice what to choose web developer or game developer? What is more interesting?
Chandan Kumar Mandal I dont understand where to find that profile?
Rytis Karalius clik on the cat image of the first answer (bottom right) before which 20hrs is spanned.
Chandan Kumar Mandal And what next ?
Rytis Karalius explore codes . posts etc. .man.. i assume you are not a child to be guided step by step.
Chandan Kumar Mandal Thank you for help :) I just lost in all these posts. : )
Can you give me advice what to choose web development or game development?
Chandan Kumar Mandal Thank you very much man. One more question - Is it hard to learn and is it intresting to work in web development, The salary of web development is really good. Good luck in your way. I think that people need more people like you. :) Thank you again