+ 25

Since when do we get adds?

I've never noticed adds on the app and find them distracting. Is this something new? do they appear after a while of using the app?

20th Jul 2018, 7:16 AM
florian kock
florian kock - avatar
64 Respostas
+ 30
Just got my first video ad that was pretty loud. That was good for waking me up. I actually understand and fully support sololearn having ads (I was actually wondering why we didn't get any ads for so long) and the ads are placed in I think good places. But I don't want a video ad suddenly starting with startling you like windows xp's welcome sound when you forgot you had your speakers volume dialed all the way up. And I don't want to see some purchase I did several days ago (which is NOT even remotely relevant with what sololearn does) appear here. I just hate the concept of "personalized ads". I think it would be better if I saw some ads about some books for programming languages for example. That would be way better IMO since we all come here for one thing: Learning programming. TL;DR(How? It's not that long...): I support ads on sololearn. However I'm not happy with how ads are handled right now. It would be much better if the ads were actually relevant with what this app does.
20th Jul 2018, 4:48 PM
Alper Tiryakioğlu
Alper Tiryakioğlu - avatar
+ 22
I would find the ads more acceptable if Sololearn were to use the money to create new content and improve the platform. If they continue to rely on users to create new courses and moderate content whilst earning $$ from ads then personally I find that exploitative
21st Jul 2018, 7:24 AM
Ava 🐈
Ava 🐈 - avatar
+ 18
Head to the Google Play Store. Check SoloLearn's reply to the people who, in their review, say that they're unhappy with the ads. You'd be delighted on reading the reply :)
20th Jul 2018, 8:19 AM
Dev - avatar
+ 17
I give it a month. If SL does not start showing me ads, I'm quitting.
20th Jul 2018, 8:51 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 16
The ads are not as annoying as in other apps, so I think they are quite ok. Anyway, there are too many ads for my taste, so less would be better. Maybe SoloLearn could implement the setting for ads not as an on/off switch, but how many percent of ads you want to get... 😒
21st Jul 2018, 3:39 AM
Modi - avatar
+ 15
Hatsy Rei if sololearn DOESN'T show ads?
20th Jul 2018, 5:28 PM
LONGTIE👔 - avatar
+ 15
By the way, I like the beer ads... 😊 Started getting them a couple of days ago...
21st Jul 2018, 3:53 AM
Modi - avatar
+ 13
when one plays a game and get adds it's a distraction on top of another. that's one thing. But when we try to focus --learn -- and get distracted. It's another thing entirely.
20th Jul 2018, 10:36 AM
florian kock
florian kock - avatar
+ 13
Austin Kline It is rumoured that the next update will include an option to remove the ads.
21st Jul 2018, 10:42 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 10
KrOW TBH, I'm very excited... We're eagerly waiting for it, don't we? ^_^
20th Jul 2018, 8:28 AM
Dev - avatar
+ 10
Dev if we're going to have ads why wouldn't they make a pro version of this? I would buy it.
21st Jul 2018, 10:36 AM
Austin Kline
Austin Kline - avatar
+ 10
Hatsy Rei I hope so
21st Jul 2018, 10:44 AM
Austin Kline
Austin Kline - avatar
+ 10
S. C. Well, it's not exactly a rumour when it's from SoloLearn's official reply to a review in Play Store. :>
21st Jul 2018, 10:48 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 9
My response to the recent trend about inappropriate ads. Share for awareness (?). https://www.sololearn.com/post/18040/?ref=app
21st Jul 2018, 4:57 AM
Fermi - avatar
+ 8
You're right. But they could have told me they wanted to make money first.
20th Jul 2018, 9:52 PM
+ 8
Yeah we get adds but the real question is do we get subtracts? Adds, OK, but I don't like subtracts.
21st Jul 2018, 12:12 AM
Fermi - avatar
+ 8
It is a pity you can't downvote adds (or upvote).
21st Jul 2018, 4:59 AM
Paul - avatar
+ 8
Its okay! But why cant I target to ads location on the app? Anyway, I recommend you guys to allow only programming related ads otherwise myself I will left here😴😴😴😴
21st Jul 2018, 8:35 PM
Jully Fredy
Jully Fredy - avatar
+ 8
every single lesson in swift has a google primer advertisement.
22nd Jul 2018, 12:10 AM
Austin Kline
Austin Kline - avatar
+ 7
this app is turning into faceb....yeah that monster.
20th Jul 2018, 3:13 PM
voja - avatar