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Any quick tips for anyone whose looking to study anything to do with coding?
What do you guys recommend for someone whose really interested in coding and system progamming? I will hopefully will start college next year
9 Respostas
+ 1
Hello! I have a few sources and tips that will hopefully help you get started as soon as possible:
- Youtube: There are many different youtubers who make great, free content. The coding train is really good for JavaScript if thats something you want to get into. Other than that find a language you like and find a youtuber that you really connect with.
-Code, code, and code some more: Nothing will make you a better programmer than programming.
-Choose realistic projects and learn what you need to complete it: A good way to learn at first is the have a reason to learn it. If you start a project and keep learning to progress more and more you will wont lose steam.
-Choose a language and stick with it: It may seem like a good idea but dont skip around and do a little of everything. Stick to one language or framework until you have mastered it before moving on. You will notice overlap and most languages will do the same thing in slightly different ways. This will make learning new stuff easier even if you learn a different language in college.
+ 1
Create a project for fun. You will learn a lot.
+ 1
Im still a beginner but im finding that being consistent with studying is helping a lot. commit to studying as your schedule permits.
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hey Emile I'm looking for coding buddies. if you want tips I dunno if u asked that question lol add me on SC paulruby3.
Many will recommend starting with JavaScript. They are not wrong but let me offer another entrypoint: SQL. It is very straightforward way to learn how data is organized. A little goes a long way.