JavaScript Help!!

Hi everyone. So I’ve finished my html and css course On here and I though they were brilliant! I’m able to develop a website but obviously without the JavaScript. I’m currently doing the JavaScript course now but I am completely lost! Where is math come into this? Why is there nothing about websites? Please can someone help or maybe even point me toward a better course designed for website development! Any help would be great right now! I’m just so lost it’s not even funny!

25th Jul 2018, 6:38 PM
Byron Cross
4 Respostas
Not irrelevant, unnecessary but it still has some nice features such as animations, example if you click an in page link instead of sharply jumping to the anchor you can have a smooth scroll to the anchor.
25th Jul 2018, 7:03 PM
+ 4
JavaScript is a programming language. It can be used for web devlopment and other things. JavaScript can be used to make webpages interactive. For example letting the user be ablw to press a button and some output is shown.
25th Jul 2018, 6:40 PM
Agent - avatar
+ 1
is that all? So if i dont want an interacfive webpage, JavaScript is irrelevant?
25th Jul 2018, 6:42 PM
Byron Cross
Well, you could make a static page without JS but it will horribly boring without all this nice interactions. Imagine for example no live search, no burger nav bar working, no toggling classes for css animations, not saving data to local storage and so on... depending on the purpose of the website. Dont be afraid of JS, its not that bad as you may think - and this is pretty basic maths, nothing hardcore...It's new to you and it will take some longer time to learn. Programming isn't easy. Modern web developers are mostly JS developers - keep that in mind.
26th Jul 2018, 12:23 PM
damyco - avatar