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Some exercise for a C# ultra beginner programmer
hi all, i comeback to sololearn :) this time i decided to learn c# becouse my interest in Unity. I discovered that this lenguage is pretty complicated. When i want to do something i stay blocked and i dont know what to do next. i ask you to some pages (or maybe here) with exercises that help me improve my fluent programming... i appreciate all of your commenta hi all again :)
2 Respostas
+ 12
Welcome back!😊
Try these exercises:
You can also try to solve Coding Challenges in the Learn section.
Some useful resources:
+ 4
On this page you can get several exercises:
- https://www.w3resource.com/csharp-exercises/
And in this you can find examples on various topics. It is one of my favorites when I'm looking for something about C#.
- https://www.dotnetperls.com/