+ 2

Which one is easier and comfortable;

What is best to build a responsive website? What do you use for your website? a.flexbox b.bootstrap c.grid

7th Aug 2018, 5:09 AM
6 Respostas
+ 2
Pure css is definitely the way to go for beginners. You'll learn how to properly build responsive layouts without a framework to assist you. However, when you are comfortable then I'd recommend bootstrap, or at least take samples from it to help you build your own layout. Bootstrap has been and continues to be updated to follow standard practices across all browsers, and it does a very good job with it. No sense reinventing the wheel.
8th Aug 2018, 10:17 PM
Mike - avatar
+ 3
d. pure css
7th Aug 2018, 5:49 AM
Calviղ - avatar
+ 2
If you know CSS well, you dont need to use Bootstrap which are consists the fix pattern of web components. Use pure CSS with @media to build a better responsive website.
7th Aug 2018, 6:10 AM
Calviղ - avatar
+ 2
yes use "pure css" and use media queries take this framework "skeleton" its written in css only and it responsive and easy to use learn from it how to build your style system . if you need more about css check www.w3.org/TR/
7th Aug 2018, 2:46 PM
Mukhtaar Aziz
Mukhtaar Aziz - avatar
+ 1
according to me bootstrap is best for the creation of responsive websites... i had also used it for my sites
7th Aug 2018, 5:16 AM
PRAMOD JANA - avatar
+ 1
When we compare flex-box with Bootstrap, flex-box is lack of browser support (IE mainly) (die already) and sometimes you get different behavior from Chrome and Safari even though both use the same webkit engine. When we compare bootstrap with CSS grid, since CSS grid is not supported by older browsers and since the experience of the visitor should not be affected by browser version, I think it's better using Bootstrap. So in conclusion I would say Bootstrap is better.
7th Aug 2018, 6:00 AM
Nadun Kulatunge
Nadun Kulatunge - avatar