Python Program for hangman game..with complete description...
how to check user guess is correct or not...if not correct then give msg that it's wrong guess again
2 Respostas
Hello there. Can you post a link to your code in here so that we can see what you have tried about your game?
if len(guess) > 1 and guess != answer:
print("thats not the word")
elif len(guess) > 1 and guess == answer:
print("you win")
# x func
elif guess in answer:
print("letter is in the word")
# fill func
elif guess not in answer:
print("that letter is not in the word")
# progress func
and so on....
it's pretty basic python. I recommend taking the basics tutorial on python here on sololearn so you dont need a full desc on how that works and you'll be able to finish the game