Which method or book made progress on your learning or raised your confidence to take action?
I have studied a lot of cource about web but i remember whenever i wanted to do a simple task, i made a lot typo erro or mistake about where is css what happend to html tag. a lot of frustration but after i studied "A smart way to learn HTML and CSS " book, everthing chanded. you can try it method of book for study is simple :10 min study and 20 min online exersice. this book maybe is not easy to follow but it is effective.
2 Respostas
Using W3 Schools helped me a lot in learning HTML and CSS and fostered my interest in coding. The examples in each lesson were especially helpful for me!
There are two books written by Jon Duckett, one for HTML & CSS, and one for Javascript & JQuery. They are brilliant books to help you learn!