During code in c++ 'If cin is entered then why after runing it does not ask for input
8 Respostas
+ 4
Don't know exactly what's the issue until you don't post your code.
But I am considering that you have included iostream library
You can try using fflush(stdin) before cin
Somil Porwal share your code. this may help us to check issue into it if any
Post your code.
My guess is you could have forgotten to import <iostream> library or to import standard namespace (using namespace std;)
<iostream> is required, but i you don't want to use the standard namespace, use std::cin instead of cin :)
i posted my code please tell me my mistakes
thanks for the help
Somil Porwal I checked and it works perfectly fine... on sololearn app for c++, you need to provide all input in one go either seperated by space or new line (enter)...
for your case, provide input 12 3 (first input value space second input value) and check results
thanks ketan