How to make a program of banking system on Python? | Sololearn: Learn to code for FREE!
18th Aug 2018, 1:10 PM
Mae Alejo
Mae Alejo - avatar
9 Respostas
4th Jun 2021, 3:16 PM
Sayed Md Rafe
Sayed Md Rafe - avatar
That's a complicated endeavor that bears a lot of research. Fortunately, some people invented search engines, which I think you would find useful for this. Otherwise, we are happy to answer any specific questions you have when your other options have been exhausted or help you troubleshoot errors in your code.
18th Aug 2018, 1:32 PM
Janning⭐ - avatar
thanks, we need that on coming second semester on our university. unfortunately, our professor makes us program these problems which is so complicated. i'm not that good in programming tho.
18th Aug 2018, 1:36 PM
Mae Alejo
Mae Alejo - avatar
What kind of banking system? Like payment apis?
18th Aug 2018, 1:50 PM
Toni Isotalo
Toni Isotalo - avatar
umm yeah something like that. where it has to show the account deposit...
18th Aug 2018, 1:52 PM
Mae Alejo
Mae Alejo - avatar
With real bank accounts? Because there's many different banks and you can't access its deposits without their API if they even have one.
18th Aug 2018, 1:55 PM
Toni Isotalo
Toni Isotalo - avatar
nope just an activities. some of our professors here makes us run the program like banking system or order system. it is also our project sometimes depending on the prof.
18th Aug 2018, 1:57 PM
Mae Alejo
Mae Alejo - avatar
If a potential client asked me the exact same question, I would ask them for a full list of desired features (specifications and designs if they have them). Otherwise, we would have to spend some time talking through it to figure it out (not a mind reader, and the client had better be paying me for enduring their learning curve -- better to sprinkle free consulting sessions across a large number of people than sinking it all into a single hole). Trying to guess just seems like a fruitless endeavor. Uncooperative clients can go find someone else to work with. :)
18th Aug 2018, 2:15 PM
Janning⭐ - avatar
Restful api's are the first thing that came to my mind. You can "simulate" transactions by creating dictionaries, which look similar to json, and you can perform gets, puts, posts, etc
18th Aug 2018, 9:19 PM
Steven M
Steven M - avatar