+ 1
How to clear elements ?
my trainer teach m that we use pseudo element (: :before) before clearing the element.but I saw here , we just th clear keyword to clear the element.. anyone can clarify me the difference between them? ok I want to give more details about what my question my trainer has written the following lines of code to clear the float: .box-container::after{ content:""; display:block; clear:both; } so , my question is what is the difference between using these lines of codes and simply use clear :both ;
5 Respostas
+ 2
I think there's a tiny detail missing.
I believe what you are probably referring to is the difference between clear (a property) and clearfix (a hack that's usually used in the ::before or ::after pseudo element).
Clear says (roughly) "I don't want you to put other things on this side of this element/thing".
Clearfix says (roughly) "I want all the things in this container to look like they are grouped together".
This is only if I've guessed correctly what you're asking about.
Hope this helps?
+ 1
thanks again
ok I want to give more details about what my question
my trainer has written the following lines of code to clear the float:
so , my question is what is the difference between using these lines of codes and simply use clear :both ;
The best thing to do is to try it to see the difference.
Clear: both; on an element applies to the element. A clearfix hack (such as the one you posted) usually gets applied to the parent (container) of the element you want cleared.
A div without content takes up no space, so ::after { content: ""; } inserts fake content so that the div can take up space while minimizing unexpected results.