Can i do an app or a web page that allows you to registrer your monthly payments (car, mortage, tv, internet, etc...
and it automatically makes them on date
5 Respostas
+ 1
of course
Go for it! We believe in you! :)
I am kind of new here, but i love it, anyone knows how hard or how complex is this i want to do? wich skills be more useful for me, how many people should i need in a project like this?
I don't think the programming part is the hard part. I think the hard part is making sure you do it legally. (By the way, I don't know anything about money transmission regulation in Mexico, if that's where you're operating from.). If it's going to be more of a check writing service (Bill Pay through my credit union is like this), then it's better to be a financial institution so you can draw/access the customer's funds via wire to cover the funds you are writing checks for.
Maybe in USA, since i live in the border with California