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How to find out which color code are valid
if color codes are given like #0FF8GL something like this.
6 Respostas
+ 6
Hi Aashish Kumar,
Your GL in your provided HEX is wrong, ONLY 'ABCDEF' are valid.
Hope this helps👍👍
R = Red
G = Green
B = Blue
HEX Syntax:
A = 10
B = 11
C = 12
D = 13
E = 14
F = 15
HEX has 16 valid bytes/numbers.
#FFF is white
#000 is black
+ 12
Check on my code for more valid Hexadecimal color codes....
+ 5
if u write in the hexa decimal manner every code is valid because in we have enumorous color and if wr write any code we will get any one of the color i am not pretty sure that every code is valid but assuming
___it is better to write in F's then we will get in RGB manner then it is easy to say which color we will get, easy means ,we can atleast guess
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I personally look up a hex color picker, it lets you pick a color and see its # (#AB56FF, etc)
+ 3
also paint 3d has the color wheel that allows u to pick the color you want and get the hexa decimal # there.
+ 2
Also check this: