Help please

Hello World Can you help me by writing an algorithm to decide whether a number X (X<22) is a prime or not ? Using pseudocode preferable . Thank you so much đŸŒ·đŸŒ·đŸŒ·

23rd Sep 2018, 7:26 PM
7 Respostas
+ 6
We can if you show us your attempt.
23rd Sep 2018, 7:38 PM
A Fox
A Fox - avatar
+ 4
In order to check if X < 22 you have to read it first. After reading X, check if it's two and if it is print "Prime". Also check if it's less than 2 and print "Not prime". To check for division, use a for loop like this: 1. I <- 3, X/2 (because you already checked for lower values) 2. if (X%I==0) print "Not prime" and break the loop 3. If I reaches X/2 print "Prime" I hope it's clear enough 🙂
23rd Sep 2018, 8:12 PM
A Fox
A Fox - avatar
+ 2
Well, you can, if you only want the primes up to 22'
25th Sep 2018, 12:03 PM
A Fox
A Fox - avatar
+ 1
Good answer!
23rd Sep 2018, 8:15 PM
Henry - avatar
1. Start 2. If (X<22) then go to 3 3. Read X 4. B<- X-1 5. If (X/B) is even or gives no remainder then print " Not prime " 6. If (X/B) gives a remainder then go to 7 7. If (B=2) and (X/B) gives a remainder then print " prime " 8. End This is what I have so far
23rd Sep 2018, 7:54 PM
What if I wrote this way ?! Is it right ? 1. Start 2. Read X 3. If (X<22) then go to 4 4. If (X=2) or (X=3) or (X=5) or (X=7) or (X=11) or (X=13) or (X=17) or (X=19) then print "prime" else print "not prime" 5. End
23rd Sep 2018, 8:37 PM
What if I wrote this way ?! Is it right ? 1. Start 2. Read X 3. If (X<22) then go to 4 4. If (X=2) or (X=3) or (X=5) or (X=7) or (X=11) or (X=13) or (X=17) or (X=19) then print "prime" else print "not prime" 5. End
23rd Sep 2018, 8:38 PM