+ 1
I'm new and I feel really amazing cause I improve my self for future Guys I' m 14. I hope everything will be better !!!!
7 Respostas
+ 6
We've been in this position too... 14 years old wanting to learn programming :P ... Sometines i wish i could travel back in time... (im 18 at last... 5 years in programming already passed...)
Good luck in your adventure! ^_^
+ 5
I started with java and c++, was too hard for me and quit for several months, then i came back and found this wonderful community.
in the beginning, i was competing with a friend i made here on who can make the best js indie games and sooner or later we became better at it...
it's what we call "productive competition"...
Before you start coding you must clear your mind and get ready for a tough logic journey.
you might encounter anomalies like 1+1=3 or f(1) != f(1) but everything has a logical explanation.
always read everything, dont do the same mistakes i did >.< (reinventing the wheel etc) and make a map in your brain on how things operate, its not as hard as it sounds, i personally like imagining a graphic representation of everything before start coding...
well, ive many things to say but limited space so...
if you need anything else, be more specific :P
+ 2
+ 1
okay thx ;^>
thx :^> may ı ask you something
when u started to di Code ? and how i can start ? where i should start ti do code?