+ 4
Increments Operator Precedence
int x = 10, y = 10; x = x++ * ++x; y = ++y * y++; System.out.println(x + " " + y); Output: 120 121 Why?
6 Respostas
+ 6
x = x++ * ++x
well x++ first takes the value of x(10) and then adds 1 x=11
so now we have 10 * ++x and we added 1 to x's value x=11 now
then ++x first adds 1 to the current calue of x(11) to be 12
and then it multiplies
so it does 10 * 12 = 120
++y * y++ does this
add 1 to that value y(10) to be y(11)
so we have 11 * y++ now and y=11
then we do y++ which first takes y's value (11) and then adds one y(12)
so the function will do 11 * 11
and output 121
+ 4
It's simple.
prefix(++x) increments first, then assigns and suffix(x++) assigns or calculates first them increments. See, lessonhttps://www.sololearn.com/learn/JavaScript/1130/
If you still not get:
For x, x++ increments after multiplication, and ++x increments before multiplication. so, first term would be 10 and second would be 12.
Similarly for y, ++y increments before multiplication and y++ increments after multiplication. So, first term would be 11 and second also.
+ 3
y = ++y * ++y
will output 132
+ 2
Roel is there any way to increment both numbers first?
y = (++y) * (y++); // Outputs 121
+ 1
if you mean something like this
you want to y = 11 * 12
you could do
int y = 10
y = ++y * ++y;
since they first increase and then take the value of y
also I'd recommend you trying a lot with increments to get to know then better
+ 1
in the first equation our initial value of x is 10 ...
during x++ it first uses value of x as 10 and then it add 1 to it, thus now x value is 11 which when used as ++x , first 1 is added to the value of x (that was 11) and then used as 12...
so, x=x++*++x
in the second one,
initial value of y is 10 which when used as ++y
first gets increased by 1 and then the value is put as 11.. after that it is y++ which means that first the value stored in y(that was 11) is used and then it is increased..
so, y=++y*y++
Hope it helps you...