What are The Other import in Java?Example:import javax.util.* Like This And What its Does

import jframe?And Othe Import?

6th Jan 2017, 12:12 PM
2 Respostas
Man there are thoudands of library in java. java.swing It helps build window using Swing library. java.awt It's abstract window tookit java.util It involves collection classes javax.FX It also builds window using FX library java.io It is input/output. Helps handle with File and others java.lang You don't need to import it. It's default library in Java. That's I know now.
6th Jan 2017, 5:36 PM
Sai Saing Hmine Tun
Sai Saing Hmine Tun - avatar
ohh ok thank You!Then
9th Jan 2017, 12:34 PM