JAVA: I [am bad] at arrays and I need help completing this code.

Here are the instructions to the assignment. It is extremely basic, I know, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Create a class Student. Student will have three instance variables: fName, lName, and grade. Create an overloaded constructor method to accept all three arguments. Create a get and set method for each. Create an applet StudentApp. Applet will contain three textfields to accept information for first name, last name and grade. Create a button to enter the information which will be placed in an array with the type Student. Array will have a length of five. Create two more buttons to sort data by last name and grade. Display sorted information in a label.

14th Dec 2018, 4:33 PM
Fleet - avatar
1 Resposta
I suggest you write what you can and comment what is missing. You could use 5 variables for your students array initially. We only fix broken code not write code for you. I can teach changing variables to an array. What GUI/applet are you required to use?
15th Dec 2018, 3:19 AM
John Wells
John Wells - avatar