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How to make a variable in function() goes public?
Note: Without Declaring a variable outside the function() first
24 Respostas
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function foo()
window.bar = 3.1415;
console.log(bar); // undefined
console.log(bar); // 3.1415
+ 5
Jingga Sona 🐺 If your goal is not pullulate global namespace, you can use a single object containing all your "module global" vars or put all inside an anonymous function
+ 5
Jingga Sona 🐺 See here
Maybe it can be useful to you
+ 5
Jingga Sona 🐺 I think that you have to read how define an object with constructor... Classic example is:
function Person(name, surname){
this.name= name
this.surname= surname
this.printMe= function(){
alert(this.name +' '+ this.surname);
var me= new Person('KrOW', 'Black')
This is only the point of the "iceberg"
+ 4
Jingga Sona 🐺 I mean why you asked it? You have a practical problem to solve in that way or is just your curiosity?
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I think that Jingga Sona 🐺 want follow common suggestion to not "fill" the global namespace... With large codes can be useful but i dont know if this is him final goal
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Jingga Sona 🐺 I highly suggest you to follow this guide https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Working_with_Objects#Creating_new_objects
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Thanks KrOW !👍
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neo.h This is a simple example, which make no difference from direct return a value. Closure is more applicable if we need to do encapsulation, and return only the required object.
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Jingga Sona 🐺 Just for curiosity: Why?
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Thanks! Can you explain it?
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KrOW well, i am trying to make a small library called shortcut.js, and i want to include canvas basic program so it save times
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I did not learn anonymous function yet😅
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He wants to avoid declaring the variable outside, but yeah, I think the same
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I have done the same before, but I stuffed all my functions inside an object
KrOW I cant speak for him. But I made something similar, to simply getting the context, resizing, clipping and drawing custom shapes. It's not a great deal but it's quite handy.
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Use closure
var goo = function foo()
var bar = 3.1415;
return {bar};
console.log(goo); // 3.1415
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U could also assign a variable without let, const or var. Just variable = 5
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Calviղ How's that different from a normal return?