+ 1
I cant understand the meaning of\n
13 Respostas
+ 5
It's like \new just taking out "ew" and \n just creates a new line example: print("hello\nworld") the output would be:
instead of:
Hello world
+ 3
this is the character for 'end of line' on linux. on mac, \r is used instead. On windows lines end with both characters \r\n.
+ 3
\n is a element from C and it means to leave a line
that is when used it pushes the proceeding output to the next line.
example: print("Hello I am \ncoding in python")
the output would be:
Hello I am
coding in python
+ 2
\n means a new line on computer language.
print 'long long line \n new line'
long long line
new line
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\n means new line or next line
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With the above comments I now understand \n too
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\n is an escape character. escape characters are used to escape some parts of string while printing on standard output. other escape characters are \t, \a
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\n in code starts a new line when you run the code, so hello\nworld! would be hello (new line) world
\n = New Line.
\n is called escape sequence ,it helps in pushing the word to the next line like an enter key.
while \t is called tab space which is similar to a space bar.
It will create. New line
it just mean : à new line