Help with enhanced for loop
I need to make calendar in one array. This is an exercise from my Java manual. Below I only write example, but I do not understand why it i doesn't work. Maybe You can help me. int count = 31; int month = 1; int year = 2016; byte x = 0; byte day = 1; String [] [] [] date = New String [count] [month+1] [month] ; for(int i =0;i>count;i++) { date[x++] [month] [0] = day +"/" +month+"/" +year; } for(String [] [] [] printDate: date) { System.out.print(printDate); } Compilator Say that the last one "for" is to many []. It should be [] []. But it doesn't worked.
1 Resposta
Enhanced loops only iterates 1 dimension of an Array.
The loop to fill the Array isn't correct.
Some Code to play with:
Hope it helps - good luck ;-)
int count = 31;
int month = 1;
int year = 2016;
byte x = 0;
byte day = 1;
String [] [] [] date = new String [count] [month+1] [count] ;
for(int i =0;i<count;i++) {
[0] [month] [i] = i+1 +"/" +month+"/" +year;
// print only one Array-Level
for(String printDate: date[0][1]) {
// print two Array-Levels
for(String[] printDatem: date[0])
for(String printDate: printDatem ) {