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How to add to the site the ability to add an article to any user and this article will be shared on the site. Thanks.
Занимаюсь разработкой сайта и наткнулся на проблему что не знаю как добавить возможность любому пользователю добавить самому статью на сайт, можете объяснить как это осущиствить или дать ссылку на статью с ответом. Спасибо. I am engaged in the development of the site and came across a problem that I don’t know how to add the ability for any user to add an article to the site, can you explain it or give a link to the article with the answer. Thanks.
8 Respostas
For that, you could use a database which saves the articles in it and when you visit the site, it requests it and prints it onto the page
+ 1
Thank you!
Is it back-end?
Yes, unless you use a javascript database like a firebase which I've seen multiple times in SoloLearn, although I'm not known to it
But if you want to use back-end script, it should not be incredibly hard if you find a good youtube video which explains it
Thank you! But I have a question, how do you know all this? Can you recommend something?
I do not know how to do it exactly, but I do know (by experience) how it should be done
I can recommend you mmtuts on youtube, I learned a lot about back-end programming there, but for firebases I don't really know any source because I've never searched for it.
You're welcome