sql query .. ans is asap

Create a database to maintain a list of projects submitted by students year wise. Fields could be : name of project, student name,year , subject, link to project in sql

30th Jan 2019, 1:39 PM
Anmol Soin
5 Respostas
Show your attempt, I would give you an answer then.
30th Jan 2019, 2:05 PM
Calviղ - avatar
", "word"); insert into student values ("constituition of india", "Mayyank", 2018, "civics", "create database student; use student; create table student( pname varchar[20], sname varchar [25], year int [4], subject varchar [10], link_to_project varchar [30], tools_used varchar[20] ); insert into student values ("origin of english", "Akshay", 2018, "english", "www.english.com", "word"); insert into student values ("our national language", "Aman", 2018, "hindi", "www.hindthegreat.com", "powerpoint"); insert into student values ("application of trigonometry", "Amish", 2018, "maths", "www.trigoease.com", "word"); insert into student values ("greenhouse effect", "Aniket", 2018, "moral science", "www.wikipedia.com", "powerpoint"); insert into student values ("history of india", "khushi", 2018, "history", "www.indianhistory.com", "word"); insert into student values ("constituition of india", "Mayyank", 2018, "civics", "www.consitiutiom.com", "word"); insert into student values ("organ division in humans", "Mohsin", 2018, "biology", "www.cbsebio.com", "word"); insert into student values ("atoms structural division", "Nitya", 2018, "chemistry", "www.chemist.com", "google slides"); insert into student values ("nuclear fission", "Naman", 2018, "physics", "www.greatphyscist.com", "PowerPoint"); insert into student values ("computing languages", "Prateek", 2018, "computer science", "www.historyoflang.com", "word"); insert into student values ("Benefits of dance", "Ritika", 2018, "dance", "www.historyofdance.com", "powerpoint"); insert into student values ("natural healer music", "Samarth", 2018, "music", "www.musersgreat.com", "powerpoint");
30th Jan 2019, 2:09 PM
Anmol Soin
The create table has some syntax errors, and the VARCHAR length numbers are not large enough to cover your data length.
30th Jan 2019, 2:28 PM
Calviղ - avatar
Try this create table student( pname varchar(50), sname varchar(50), year int(4), subject varchar(50), link_to_project varchar(100), tools_used varchar(50) );
30th Jan 2019, 2:28 PM
Calviղ - avatar
Test on http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/11914b/2
30th Jan 2019, 2:28 PM
Calviղ - avatar