Please Help: Check if input is a whole number (in Python)
Please help... I found a code from that checks if the input is a number but I would like to ensure that the user's input is a whole number, >= 0 only (no negative numbers) What do I need to include in my code to check if the number is >= 0? Here is the code: #How to make sure the user enters a number (integer) - def inputNumber(num): while True: try: userInput = int(input(num)) except ValueError: print("Not a valid input! Try again, enter a number.") continue else: return userInput break #MAIN PROGRAM STARTS HERE: age = inputNumber("Enter your age: ") if (age >= 18): print("You are old enough to vote.") else: print("You will be able to vote in " + str(18-age) + " year(s).")