Google maps customisation
Is it possible to display points (markers or info windows) on the Google maps and that way enable users to pick (select) points that they need for something like calculations of shortest path or whatever they need? Just to make it clearer for you, I want to make a page for a user to pick some predefined locations to be processed with Google or-tools for calculating optimal route based on distance and time constraints. Now that peace of code that do calculations is already there. But how to utilize Google maps API to enable selection of points on it? Is that even possible or not? Shruthi Yes we can use Google for that purpose too, but limited with number of points and there is threshold in requests per second, minute etc. If we obtain distances first then we can use this offline script to get the optimal route without using Google API requests at all. Now maybe we don't need Google at all, maybe we can work with openstreetmap or whatever other map available.