+ 2
Help me
I dont know with this I want to be programmer,but I dont know were I want to start
25 Respostas
+ 11
Welcome to Sololearn and congratulations on making the choice of becoming a programmer! :-)
Programming is all related. To start coding you need to think like a coder. For that I highly recommend you to focus on a high-level language, such as: Python, HTML, Java or C#.
These are all great choices for whatever you would want to focus on. Object-orientation is a beautiful method to program in and since C++ (lower-level language) and many other high-level langs provides this it might also help to look into other languages first who covers this part as well, only on a more straightforward way.
1. Python does not deal with any user-interface which makes it a very fast language but it is also a truly dynamic language.
It is actually, hands-down, my favorite language! Because of its wide variety and mixed simplicity - just to mention a few: backend web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and scientific computing, productivity tools, games, and desktop apps. So there are plenty of choices for you to cover here
BRANCH: Ruby, PyPy, backend
2. HTML is considered to be the easiest and mainly focus on websites in general
BRANCH: great to pick up CSS, JavaScript and PHP.
3. Java is a massive language and might demand a high-end computer to work properly but is fully portable and can be used on any device. Often used in apps, platform games and low-performance programs.
BRANCH: JavaScript, SQL
4. Lastly C# is one of the most appreciated languages, often used on Microsoft platform such as apps and games. great for gaming and unity coding. If you want to go C++ then C# is your natural choice.
BRANCH: C++, Unity
The golden rule in programming is to not spread out too much or you will mix the code together and face unnecessary frustration and several hours of extra work. Instead 'branch out'... : HTML into, PHP and CSS. C# into C++ and Unity. Java into JavaScript and so on...
To help you even further here's a great link to help you decide:
+ 8
JavaScript! ^_^
+ 5
i guess starting with Html that is very easy if you want tot make programms try using c++ or java
+ 5
If you are into web developing, then HTML is probably the first thing you should learn. The question is are you more of a front-end or a back-end web developer?
Front-end web developers basically create all the user interfaces, designs of the website and to make the website fully interactive. HTML, CSS, JS and other frameworks like Bootstrap and jQuery play a huge role in this one.
Back-end web developers basically create server-side stuff like user authentication, preventing SQL injections or other hacking attempts. For this one, you should master PHP, SQL, or other JS frameworks like Node.js and AJAX.
P.S. I'm into back-end for some reason.
+ 5
you should start with Html before JavaScript because basic html knowledge is required
+ 5
c will be the best for u....it is basic programming language to begin....
+ 5
bocah how old are you? i am 13 And i have the certificate for html my little Brother who is 11 years old had both html And Js certificate anyways JS FTW!!
+ 4
why js?
+ 4
Not to offend you but you should probally get better in english first :p
+ 4
I recommend C++, because learning basics of it will help to understand easily other languages. This is based on my experience. But if you want to create something very fast try HTML,CSS, JavaScript for web development.
+ 3
but I dont know about all of it,can someone be my teacher ?
maybe all of u all can be my teacher ?
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bocah try searching tutorials on youtube or something
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@Bartolomeseguer Huawai Thanks dude
+ 3
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@Tristan McCullen Thanks buddy
+ 2
Dont worry,You have the same question than all people that started, start and will start in this world. Before , several years ago this question would have a couple or three of good answer, but now more important than what programing languaje is over what devices or enviroment you want work.
for give you a point of start I advice you this rute.
The first stage FrontEnd: Html+ css+ javascript this give you the option of building interactive web sites , and from here you can grown many because javascript librarys are a universe know.
The second stage Backend : Php+ mysql with the first stage you will can build a complete application web.
From here you would must get enougth experience for can select your own way.
+ 2
@Hyper Omega hahaha thanks dude I will try to get better
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@Bartolomeseguer Huawai but I dont understand with programming language
I can understand if I have a teacher in my side to teach me
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@Hyper Omega my YouTube had a problem in my browser
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@Hyper Omega , I think you must start with the fundaments, try start with this page https://scratch.mit.edu , other site for starting is w3schools good for web development ,other this, and of course dont forget than for will become in good programmer you will must do many work of autolearning