Best practice for non-blocking delay?
I am looking for best practice to have exact timings when accessing hardware (LCDs, I2C, SPI, etc.). Any suggestions on learning material or tips are appreciated!
3 Respostas
+ 4
You could use a function that returns the number of milliseconds since boot -millis() in Arduino- and test for timeout in every loop...
The idea in pseudo-code:
loop {
if (millis() - aux >= 1000) { // 1 s elapsed?
do some stuff....
aux = millis();
do something...
do something else...
Another approach: instead of test every loop for milliseconds elapsed, you could use a timer interrupt (if available)
flag = 0;
loop {
if (flag) {
do some stuff....
flag = 0;
do something...
do something else...
void timer_interrupt() {
flag = 1;
Usually, you use the timer for other counters... you could set the timer to interrupt every 1ms and use variables to count for several events
loop {
if (tmo_stuff_A == 0) {
do some stuff....
tmo_stuff_A = 1000;
if (tmo_stuff_B == 0) {
do some stuff....
tmo_stuff_B = 500;
do something...
do something else...
void timer_interrupt() {
if (tmo_stuff_A > 0)
if (tmo_stuff_B > 0)
Last recommendation:
Use finite- state-machines.
An example (mbed and S08, with timer interrupts...in spanish :( )
Another example with Arduino:
Hope that helps...
+ 3
By any chance, are you talking about real time programming?
diego Code thank you for the examples. I think, that might be helpful for a lot of people starting with Arduino.
Hatsy Rei I guess your are asking for the OS? FreeRTOS.
I was unsure if I can a quite task specific question: I want to get a SD-Card (without SPI) working on an ESP32 without any Arduino libraries.