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C program to find frequency of integers in a string
11 Respostas
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diego Code I am a beginner.I have not yet completed studying ctype headerfile.Can u help me in another way
Thanks a lot
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I need to find the frequency of only numbers by neglecting the charecters in the string
Input IND2020
output:frequency of 2 is 2
Frequency of 0 is 2
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*Asterisk* can u give me an idea how can I modify the program u mentioned to string
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diego Code I am a beginner.I have not yet completed studying ctype headerfile.Can u help me in another way
Thanks a lot
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First of all take a number as input and put a switch case for 0-9 integers. Now do number%10,number divided by 10 until it reaches 0. Inside switch case put count[i]. After this we can output frequency of each integer. Put a for loop for printing frequency from i=0 to i=9
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String is the mixture of characters and numbers
I think the solution u mentioned doesn't work.
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We can do typecasting
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Then by using ascii values we can count frequency by taking input as string
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Ruthvik Reddy check my code, you can use that
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I've included ctype.h to use isdigit() only...
You can replace the if (isdigit()) with
if (*s >= '0' && *s <= '9')
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Check this: