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Arabic in php
I'm using mail function but the Arabic letter appear as symbols like this < الØمدلله > anyone can help?
1 Resposta
+ 1
I’m not sure myself but was intrigued by your question and saw it had a solution in stackoverflow stackoverflow.com/questions/2334935/how-do-i-send-emails-with-arabic-content-via-phps-mail-function
So you use one of two encoding options and functions
Edit: copying and pasting the stackoverflow answer in case you can’t acces the link. The poster’s accepted answer is
The way to get non-ASCII characters into a mail body is to set Content-Transfer-Encoding to either base64 or quoted-printable, and the encode the body with base64_encode or quoted_printable_encode, respectively.
(quoted-printable is better if the mail is largely ASCII as it retains readability in the encoded form and is more efficient for ASCII. If the whole mail is Arabic, base64 would probably be the better choice.)