+ 2
[Flutter/React Native] Overlay App
I cannot find a tutorial for this. How may I overlap an app widget over the Android or iPhone screen, whether in another app activity or home screen? For example, when I’m using app A, I want to use something similar to a pull-up widget from app B to take notes with it Then, when I open the overlap app B, I can review all the notes taken.
2 Respostas
following up if anyone has any solutions?
First sorry my bad english. I also ran into this difficulty. I need to develop an application that overlays another and that is available as a floating icon on the screen, clicking on this icon needs to make a print screen and run a function. Similar to screen recording applications. Every help is welcome.
Eu também esbarrei nessa dificuldade. Eu preciso desenvolver um aplicativo que sobreponha outro e que fique disponível como um ícone flutuante na tela, clicando neste ícone preciso fazer um print da tela e executar uma função. Semelhante aos aplicativos de gravação de tela. Toda ajuda é bem vinda!