1.不同模块切换要等很久 2.挑战时经常不能正常结束
13 Respostas
+ 10
Satnam singh Oh I see....
+ 8
He means that this app is really slow...
It is chinese. I can understand some...😂
+ 2
Satnam singh [Feel Bad ] it translated acitivity feed into "activity + those feeding for animals." LoL
+ 2
+ 2
Satnam singh [Feel Bad ] SlowslowLearn literal translate in Chinese means, "No rush, learn it in slowly way" 😁
+ 1
因為現在很多人在用sl, 所以網絡不勝負荷。
P. S. Satnam you used Google translate? Haha
+ 1
HaHa, Sorry for I write in Chinese, just for curious😂😂I want to know how to run quikly or maybe sometimes in a day.