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Coding in the terminal
What are some advantages and desadvantages of coding directly in the terminal?
2 Respostas
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if by terminal you mean using vim or nano as the tags suggest.
the advantages is:
+you can code on a machine without even accessing the DE, Desktop Environment.
+you can also code on devices that don't offer GUI.
+ coding over SSH.
+you get to know what the fancy IDEs do when you click "build" or "compile"
Disadvantages are:
- you type a lot just compile or build, depending on the programming language.
- you have to type your commands very carefully with a lot of options.
- depending on the situation you may not be able to open more than one window
i'm sure there are other advantages and disadvantages, those are just at the top of my head.
in general it's helpful to know to code in terminal. but always use the best solution to your problem.
bahha , thank you for the reply