+ 1
Do you anyone think that SoloLearn forgot to include the Widely used keywords "ALL and ANY" in SQL? It is very important used keywords to filter results in a database sometimes.. If you think yes, just be with me or support me to make Sololearn think to include these two too in SQL asap..If I am wrong, give me the reason why it is not necessary..Thanks a lot for any valuable suggestions in advance..
7 Respostas
+ 3
I didn't know these ALL and ANY, are they part of SQL standard? can you give me an example how, when and where they are used? I'm just learning this language BTW.
+ 3
Thank you sneeze and Pawan Kumar
Always good to know and learn something new 👍
+ 1
Yes ANY and ALL are part of the sql standard.
They are used in the where clause
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator ANY
(SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE condition);
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator ALL
(SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE condition);
+ 1
Yes, All and any are parts of SQL Standard..
e.g.:- SELECT P1.address FROM Cinema P1 WHERE P1.capacity>=ALL(select P2.capacity FROM Cinema P2)
It always finds the addresses of theaters with maximum capacity.
I hope, it will give you a brief idea about these.
If you need any other assistance, kindly msg me, lpang..
+ 1
Welcome, lpang!
using an asterisk ( * ) is equivalent to All.
most of time it easy to type *.
the sololearn course is just an introduction with some basics.
if you need to go pro a lot of things are required, efficiency and performance being one....
But, it is also not so much difficult thing to add these two..It should also be mentioned as IN, not IN etc..Don't you think so?