i am a beginner i have no idea where to start
4 Respostas
start with the lessons. if you have trouble with something there, ask in discussion, someone will help. for writing your programs, you can use code playground or you can install python on your computer. good luck with learning :)
Start with the tree and continue on with it. It's highly recommended to write down important and useful facts on paper so you won't forget quickly.
What I did was, I completed a lesson then went to Playground. I applied my knowledge to create my own scenario (for example, I do a lesson on variables, so I create an equation on basic variables. V1 = 5, V2 = 8. V3 = V1 * V2. print (V3). Output = 45). If you're just learning and not practicing, you probably won't go far.
Happy coding!
go to codeacademy
Hi, try www.learncpp.com