Just some one, tells me the true is really hard to learning java or more languages of programers i am stat working hard
help me any body to Lear all I want to give to my kids better life but I not have schools you guys think is to late
3 Respostas
if you understand basic concepts of progrmming and oop, and if you know how to use algorithmic thinking it is relative not so hard. But there are usualy large, big library for much problems, and get practice with it want time, then for prax you need other relation technology, some frameworks, other languages, and trends of it is in dynamicaly changes. There are some technics which is not for beginers, so true is there are levels, it is not hard to get some first of it. If you are young it is easy. Question is how much time / years of practice you imagine to spent for and if you like it.
I want to star from 0 whicht programm is recoment for me
if you want make web pages in future as prime target, but your interest now is learn programming you can learn Javascript (html,css is not programing language). If you want some relative easy useful language for start, you can learn Python too. if you want something very easy, like for children, you can use Logo or Scratch, but it is for education only, it helps understand some basic concepts.