Printing the lines that contain the substring 'snake'
#opening the text file f= open("Acrochordidae.txt", "r") for data in f: lines= f.readlines() if lines == "snake": newline= f.readline() else: break print(newline) I tried to format it in different ways but this is how far I got.
8 Respostas
lines = open('yourfile.txt', 'r').readlines()
matches = [line for line in lines if line.lower().find('snake') != -1]
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for data in f will give you the lines in f, no need to use lines= f.readlines(), especially not in the for loop
if lines == "snake" will check if the whole line equals "snake", not if "snake" is somewhere in the line (use if substring in string)
newline= f.readline() doesn't make sense
else: break will break the whole for loop as soon as "snake" is not in a line
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So you want to
1.Open a file
2.Print out lines that contain "snake" right
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And I'm sorry if my code didn't make sense. I'm still trying to understand file handling. I will try to get better.
I just need understanding how to format it right. Like finding the substring.
Thank you. I will try if it works.