4 Respostas
Hello karzan
If you are looking to make something like:
for i in range(1,101):
a_i = ... # some (calculated) value
Then I would have to inform you that Python doesn't support such a thing. There are 2 other ways that you could follow to get the same effect though:
1. Use a list. A list represents an ordered sequence of objects, with indices. So you would store all the values that you wanted to store in the variables a1-a100 in a list like this: a = ['value1', 'value2', ..., 'value100'] and you can call these values with their respective indices: a[0], a[1], ..., a[99].
2. Use a dictionary. A dictionary is an unordered data structure with key:value pairs. You can create the dictionary in a dynamic way:
a = {} # first create an empty dictionary
i = 0 # create an iterator and set its initial value to 0 (or any other number of your preference)
while i <= 100:
key = ... # create a variable called 'key' and calculate its value. This variable will be used as our key in the dictionary
value = ... # idem dito for our value
a[key] = value # store the key:value pair in the dictionary
i += 1
Hope this has benefited you. Let me know if something needs to be explained further.
Thanks Hiro. The first option will not work for me because it will take so long to type and I have a very long code. The second option is possible but it's not clear can you share an example?
Hello karzan
You could do the first method a lot faster with list comprehension. I have illustrated both methods in the code below:
Hope this gives you an idea. If it still doesn't help, can you let me know what the values are that you want to store in variables? Maybe I can be more of a help if I have that info.