+ 3

How to avoid over-engineering using OOP?

I have seen that there are many times when using OOP is not appropriate to be applied to the issue at hand, leading to over-engineering of a problem to reach the perfect solution when often it is really not necessary. How do you avoid this situation?

14th May 2019, 3:11 PM
Isaac Chen
Isaac Chen - avatar
3 Respostas
+ 2
Perfect solutions? Most are far from acceptable, as much as from working. So do not waste time while thinking about how not to be perfect. Most people simply do not understand the purpose and principles of OO. That's why they try to use OO for problems that can be solved much easier with other paradigms. And that's called over engineering (not the best term I think). As one said correctly: "A hammer is a useful tool, but it should not be used for everything."
14th May 2019, 7:28 PM
Daniel Adam
Daniel Adam - avatar
+ 2
Don't build too many classes 😎
15th May 2019, 2:45 AM
Sanjay Kamath
Sanjay Kamath - avatar
14th Oct 2019, 3:25 PM
Dedi setiawan
Dedi setiawan - avatar