+ 2
Can HTML and CSS be in same structure?
I never knew it was possible to add <html> AND CSS within the same structure and elements without having them separated. I thought If I were to build a page, that I have to start HTML and work to CSS. I was messing with the code and came up with this and it works so far. <html><head> <style type="text/css"> body { font-size:16px; font-family:Helvetica; color:#dddddd; background-color:#111111; }
2 Respostas
+ 1
Yes it can be.
Your <style></style> tags is where you can put all your css styling.
Same with <script></script> where you can write jQuery and JavaScript code to execute on your webpage.
However, it is best practice to keep your html, css and javscript code in different files as it becomes easier to maintain and keeps it nice and clean.
Yes, there are 3 common ways to embed CSS into HTML.
External style sheet: A separate document containing CSS
Internal style sheet: CSS contained in <style> element inside <head> section
Inline style. Using Style attribute inside html elements.