+ 5
Do I need to learn C or jump to C++ for game Dev?
It's really confusing. But I believe someone out there had the same problem! ...It would be great to know if you have any useful opinion.
11 Respostas
+ 10
Actually Not
At all
+ 4
C++ is superset to C with many more tools ,so no need to learn C
You can directly start C++
+ 4
samson monyluak you don't need to study C language as you have choice to use inproved version of it named C++ here ++ is a increment operator that indicates the improved or enhanced version of it. So its better to learn C++ because it includes more futures like reuseablilty, object, classes or more. After learning c++ you must go for c# pronounced as C Sharp that has more futures than c++
+ 2
No need to do C first, c++ shares common syntax and is basically "improved" version (hence the ++)
+ 2
Now i am learning c++, if i finish c++ which one next to me learn
+ 2
Sophia , just curious... C & C++ are Unix and Linux based. Why isn't it necessary? No offense meant😊
+ 2
Lol that isn't how it works 😂 game development doesn't need core c++ or c just the very basics these days we have powefull game engines that handles everything to the T your c++ skill is just for basic scripting here and there except you want to build a gamiing engine
+ 2
C++ seems the go ahead. Most game dev recommend it
Jump to C++.
It is used by every game development company.
Go with C++
There are several ways to program. There is Linear Programming, an example of which is C. Then there is Object Oriented Programming, C++ is an example of OOP. A more recent is Functional Proramming.
It is more prudent to focus first on control and data structures which is the basis of ALGORITHMIC LOGIC.